How to help us

All acquisitions for the Library of the Western Belvedere are made through the Yimen Foundation, a non-profit organization established and registered in the Netherlands, in order to enable and facilitate the development of the Library of the Western Belvedere. The Yimen Foundation gratefully receives subsidies from public and private benefactors and gifts of books and works of graphic art by public or private donors.

All those interested in giving support for the Library of the Western Belvedere can write to the Yimen Foundation, c/o Mr. Gosse Offringa, P.O. Box 16105, 2301 GC Leiden, The Netherlands, or contact the foundation by e-mail at .

The Yimen Foundation accounts are subject to yearly auditing under the supervision of the Dutch government. The accounts are made available on request to all the organizations and benefactors concerned. Moreover, each acquisition will be registered with the exact name of the institution or private person that has financed it, and each item will carry a sticker identifying its donor.

Library of the Western Belvedere.Fuzhou.fujian.350002 P.R.China
Telephone:(0591)87892731 and Fox:(0591)83702769
Copyright © XiGuan.Org